Mabna is quality.

After years of proud activity in various fields of electricity distribution network contracting, with the help of God Almighty, we strive to produce quality products based on the efforts and technical knowledge of the personnel, using modern machines and complying with national and international standards and paying attention to the interested parties. and increasing the satisfaction of customers and consumers, we entered the field of producing all kinds of aluminum wires and cables.

Mabna Tavan Behsaz Sanat Co

In order to improve the quality based on the technical knowledge of the personnel and the use of modern machines, a step towards the production of all kinds of MINK (63-AL1/11-ST1A) overhead conductor cables and HYENA 20KV (CC) aerial conductors coated compressed, HYENA (106-AL1/20-ST1A) aerial conductors and Aerial Bundle Cables(ABC), six strands, 3*25+25+70+70 mm2 0.6/1 kV cable and 4x25 mm2 0.6/1 kV cable with aluminum conductor and insulation and PVC coating.

Mabna Tavan produces the best products

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